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Old Business: Updates on IRC Conversation, Motion/Rationale for Student Learning Goals and Development, and the CAPS report. IRC: Erica Bastress-Dukehart updated the committee on her conversations with members of IRC. She was unable to attend the regular meeting due to teaching responsibilities. She will meet with Justin Sipher to coordinate the continuing conversations between IRC & CEPP. At issue is whether the College should knowingly accept transfer credits from on-line courses as well as whether 91░╡═° should offer on-line courses of its own. Erica Bastress-Dukehart and Rik Scarce will put together a survey regarding on-line teaching and learning. Student Learning Goals: Mimi Hellman reported on the lively and perhaps contentious debate resulting from the Assessment Steering CommitteeТs meeting regarding bringing the Student Learning Goals to the faculty for approval. From the ASC meeting several important issues were brought to the table. Most importantly Ц УWhat does this vote mean for faculty?Ф and УWhat are we endorsing with this vote?Ф CEPP discussed the current state of the document and believes it is unwise to bring the document forward without the approval of ASC. CEPP found that working from a document that the faculty did not endorse would undercut the assessment process. There appears to be the possibility that each department may have the need for its own conversation before proceeding. A small group will meet to review the document to determine the best way to proceed. The group will include Beau Breslin, Terry Diggory, Mimi Hellman, Sarah Goodwin, and Erica Bastress-Dukehart. CAPS Report: A memo will be distributed from the Curriculum Committee to the Dean of the Faculty, Muriel Poston, endorsing the CAPS Report. Grade Appeal Policy Draft CEPP discussed the current draft of the new Grade Appeal Policy. It was agreed that there is still work to be done on the document. Particularly, further clarity was asked for in the language regarding what determines a failing grade. Discussion ensued regarding additional language to protect those students whose failing grade may preclude them from graduation in their final semester. This was debated but not resolved. It was agreed that the language would be clarified in section A, and that CEPP would continue the conversation at the next meeting. Next meeting: September 30, 8:30 a.m. in Library 213 Meeting was adjourned at 9:40 a.m. Respectfully submitted by Rubщn Graciani л ░  ] ` e f n o v ╔ ╩ ╦ у WpКйп═Yg{АБЙКСТУб!+FmpЇ°эсэ°э°э°э°эсэсэ┘э°э°э°э°э°э°э═сэсэ°эсэhа\'hТt~5БOJQJhqOJQJhg_▄hТt~5БOJQJhg_▄hТt~OJQJhТt~OJQJ'456┐└, - к л ╩ ╦ УФ !;<nўўўўўўўЄЄЄъЄъх▌Є▌Є▌Єъ╘╠ & FgdТt~Д8^Д8gdТt~ & FgdТt~gdТt~ & FgdТt~gdТt~$a$gdТt~Ї¤nopеж╩╦ЇЎёщёрррДh^ДhgdТt~ & FgdТt~gdТt~Д^ДgdТt~21Рh:pТt~░╨/ ░р=!░а"░а#Ра$Ра%░░╨░╨ Р╨Ж*Ь@@ё @ zi NormalCJ_H aJmH sH tH ^@^ zi Р Heading 1$дЁд<@&"5CJ KH OJPJQJ\^JaJ `` zi Р Heading 2$дЁд<@&$56CJOJPJQJ\]^JaJZZ zi Р Heading 3$дЁд<@&5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJNN zi Р Heading 4$дЁд<@&5CJ\^JaJRR zi Р Heading 5 дЁд<@&56CJ\]^JaJLL zi Р Heading 6 дЁд<@&5CJ\^JaJ>> zi Р Heading 7 дЁд<@&^JDD zi Р Heading 8 дЁд<@& 6]^JR R zi Р Heading 9 дЁд<@&CJOJPJQJ^JaJDA@Є бD Default Paragraph FontRiє │R 0 Table NormalЎ4╓ l4╓aЎ (kЇ ┴( 0No List R■OвёR zi Р Char Char10"5БCJ KH OJPJQJ\Б^JaJ R■вR zi Р Char Char9$5Б6БCJOJPJQJ\Б]Б^JaJL■вL zi Р Char Char85БCJOJPJQJ\Б^JaJ@■в!@ zi Р Char Char75БCJ\Б^JaJF■в1F zi Р Char Char65Б6БCJ\Б]Б^JaJ8■вA8 zi Р Char Char5 5Б\Б^J:■вQ: zi Р Char Char4 CJ^JaJ@■вa@ zi Р Char Char36БCJ]Б^JaJ>■вq>  zi Р Char Char2OJPJQJ^JV>@V zi аTitleдЁд<@&a$"5CJ KHOJPJQJ\^JaJ P■OвСP zi а Char Char1"5БCJ KHOJPJQJ\Б^JaJ FJ@F zi ░Subtitle д<@&a$OJPJQJ^JD■Oв▒D zi ░ Char CharCJOJPJQJ^JaJ*W@в┴* zi `Strong5Б\Б:X@в╤: zi @Emphasis5Б6БOJQJ]Б8■Oт8 zi  Note Level 2aJ @■OЄ@ zi List Paragraph ^Д╨m$*■O* !zi ╨Quote 68■Oв8 zi ╨ Quote Char 6БCJaJH■OH #zi р Intense Quote "]Д╨^Д╨ 56aJF■Oв1F "zi рIntense Quote Char 5Б6БCJB■OЄ AB zi 0Subtle Emphasis 6БB*phZZZJ■OвQJ zi PIntense Emphasis5Б6Б>*CJaJD■OвaD zi ЁSubtle Reference >*CJaJD■OвqD zi Intense Reference 5Б>*CJF■OвБF zi  Book Title5Б6БCJOJPJQJaJ6■6 zi p TOC Heading)@& Ї     456┐└,-кл╩╦УФ !;<n o p е ж ╩ ╦ Ў Ш0ААШ0АААШ0АААШ0АААШ0АААШ0АААШ0АААШ0АААШ0АААШ0АААШ 0АААШ0АААШ 0АААШ0АААШ 0АААШ0АААШ 0ААШ0АААШ 0АААШ0АААШ 0АААШ0АААШ 0АААШ0АААШ0ААШ 0АААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААЇ nЇ Ї Ё8Ё@ё   АААўЁТЁЁ0Ё( Ё ЁЁB ЁS Ё┐╦  ?Ёev{~oz{АДАСЎ Ў ]`efnovWpий══Yg{АБЙКС+ F є Ў ozЎ ·NЯ ВЖ@╪         H8Lуьy         ╖ГжKjE         {Ч:▓Е х         м~ЙD9ЖС         ДаДШ■^Да`ДШ■o(.А ДpДШ■^Дp`ДШ■ЗhИH.В Д@ ДL ^Д@ `ДL ЗhИH.А ДДШ■^Д`ДШ■ЗhИH.А ДрДШ■^Др`ДШ■ЗhИH.В Д░ДL ^Д░`ДL ЗhИH.А ДАДШ■^ДА`ДШ■ЗhИH.А ДPДШ■^ДP`ДШ■ЗhИH.В Д ДL ^Д `ДL ЗhИH.ДаДШ■^Да`ДШ■o(.А ДpДШ■^Дp`ДШ■ЗhИH.В Д@ ДL ^Д@ `ДL ЗhИH.А ДДШ■^Д`ДШ■ЗhИH.А ДрДШ■^Др`ДШ■ЗhИH.В Д░ДL ^Д░`ДL ЗhИH.А ДАДШ■^ДА`ДШ■ЗhИH.А ДPДШ■^ДP`ДШ■ЗhИH.В Д ДL ^Д `ДL ЗhИH.Д8Д0¤^Д8`Д0¤o(.А ДаДШ■^Да`ДШ■ЗhИH.В ДpДL ^Дp`ДL ЗhИH.А Д@ ДШ■^Д@ `ДШ■ЗhИH.А ДДШ■^Д`ДШ■ЗhИH.В ДрДL ^Др`ДL ЗhИH.А Д░ДШ■^Д░`ДШ■ЗhИH.А ДАДШ■^ДА`ДШ■ЗhИH.В ДPДL ^ДP`ДL ЗhИH.ДаДШ■^Да`ДШ■o(.А ДpДШ■^Дp`ДШ■ЗhИH.В Д@ ДL ^Д@ `ДL ЗhИH.А ДДШ■^Д`ДШ■ЗhИH.А ДрДШ■^Др`ДШ■ЗhИH.В Д░ДL ^Д░`ДL ЗhИH.А ДАДШ■^ДА`ДШ■ЗhИH.А ДPДШ■^ДP`ДШ■ЗhИH.В Д ДL ^Д `ДL ЗhИH.ДаДШ■^Да`ДШ■o(.А ДpДШ■^Дp`ДШ■ЗhИH.В Д@ ДL ^Д@ `ДL ЗhИH.А ДДШ■^Д`ДШ■ЗhИH.А ДрДШ■^Др`ДШ■ЗhИH.В Д░ДL ^Д░`ДL ЗhИH.А ДАДШ■^ДА`ДШ■ЗhИH.А ДPДШ■^ДP`ДШ■ЗhИH.В Д ДL ^Д `ДL ЗhИH.╖Гм~ЙD·NЯ H8{Ч:                        ю6░d        и)&        xМ/        Ъ╝╩S        Ї (u        хqТt~Ёb╚Ў  @А╨еk ╘Ї `@  Unknown            GРЗz А Times New Roman5РАSymbol3&Р Зz А Arial7&Ряа{ @ЯCalibri7РяаK@ЯCambria"1ИЁ╨hлє┘fлє┘fвR РвR ┤Ёаа┤┤ББr4я я Г2ГQЁ ¤HX Ё $Pф                     ОA¤2  .Minutes for CEPP meeting of September 23, 2009 Skidmore User      ■ рЕЯЄ∙OhлС+'│┘0ЬРШ╨▄шЇ ,8 X d p|ДМФф0Minutes for CEPP meeting of September 23, 2009  Normal.dot91░╡═° User2Microsoft Office Word@@RЯ╒¤A╩@RЯ╒¤A╩вR ■ ╒═╒Ь.УЧ+,∙о0 hp|ДМФ Ьдм┤ ╝ ўфя ' /Minutes for CEPP meeting of September 23, 2009 Title ■   ■    !"#$%&'()■   +,-./01■   3456789■   ¤   <■   ■   ■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Root Entry         └F@#ЗЁ¤A╩>АData             1Table    ╔$WordDocument    4SummaryInformation(            *DocumentSummaryInformation8        2CompObj            q            ■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ■       └FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8Ї9▓q