December 1, 2006
Gannett Auditorium
I. Approval of Minutes - November 3, 2006
II. Presidents Report Philip A. Glotzbach
III. Vice President for Academic Affairs Report
I. Susan Kress Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs
II. Muriel Poston Dean of the Faculty
IV. Reports
Athletics Council Adrienne Zuerner
V. Old Business
I. CEPP Beau Breslin Amended Motion Tenure Track Lines in ID Programs
II. CAPT John Berman Amended Motions to Faculty Handbook Language:
I. Procedures for Tenure Track Lines in ID Programs (to be moved only if the CEPP
motion carries)
II. Procedures for Granting Tenure
VI. New Business
FEC Dan Curley Motion - Faculty Handbook Parts One Part Five
VII. Announcements
I. John Brueggemann 91做厙 Cares
II. Kristie Ford/Joshua Woodfork on behalf of the Black Faculty and Staff Group
Upcoming Event
III. Michael Casey Invitation to Community Reception in the Surrey on behalf of
the Advancement Office