April 27, 2007
Gannett Auditorium
I. Approval of Minutes - March 30, 2007
II. Presidents Report Philip A. Glotzbach
I. Penny Jolly Campus Campaign Committee
III. Vice President for Academic Affairs Report Susan Kress
I. Dean of the Faculty Report Muriel Poston
II. Kate Leavitt FDC Ralph Ciancio Award
III. Retirements
I. CAPT John Berman - Resolution
II. Recognition of Retirees
IV. Old Business
I. CEPP - Dan Nathan - Motion Proportional Tenure Track Lines
II. CAPT John Berman Motions:
I. Proportional Tenure Track Lines
II. Fractional Lines
V. New Business
I. SGA Jon Brestoff Resolution on Double-sided Printing
II. CEC Sue Van Hook Resolution on Double-sided Printing
VI. Report
I. CEPP - Deb Hall - Pilot Program on National Student Exchange
VII. Other
VIII. Announcements
I. Philip Boshoff - Academic Festival
II. Christopher Whann UWW Summer Workshop
III. Sue Van Hook CEC - Friends of the North Woods
IV. Retirement Celebration! Murray-Aikins Dining Hall, Upstairs Banquet Room Sponsored
by the Office of the Dean of the Faculty