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Periclean Scholar Award Sub-Committee


Membership:  Annually the Periclean honors Forum Council will constitute the Periclean Scholar Award Sub-Committee as follows:  two Honors Forum students and three faculty members of the Periclean honors Forum Council not including the Honors Forum Director, who will oversee Academic Festival.  The three faculty members of the Periclean Scholar Award Sub-Committee shall elect a Chair from their membership.  For faculty, service on this sub-committee is concurrent with membership on the Periclean Honors Forum council.  Honors Forum students may serve on this sub-committee for one or more academic years. 

 2019-20 Jenny Day, History
 2019-20 Oscar Perez, World Languages and Literatures
 2019-20 Yelena Biberman-Ocakli, Political Science, Chair
 2019-20 Rachel Trowbridge '20, Student rep
 2019-20 Eliza Kuperschmid '21, Student rep


Membership:  Annually the Periclean honors Forum Council will constitute the Periclean Scholar Award Sub-Committee as follows:  two Honors Forum students and three faculty members of the Periclean honors Forum Council not including the Honors Forum Director, who will oversee Academic Festival.  The three faculty members of the Periclean Scholar Award Sub-Committee shall elect a Chair from their membership.  For faculty, service on this sub-committee is concurrent with membership on the Periclean Honors Forum council.  Honors Forum students may serve on this sub-committee for one or more academic years. 

 2018-19 Jenny Huangfu Day, History, Chair
 2018-19 Joseph Cermatori, English
 2018-19 Yelena Biberman-Ocakli, Political Science
 2018-19 Allegra Brandon '19, Honors Forum Student rep
 2018-19 Hannah Kotler '20, Honors Forum Student rep


Membership:  Two students, one faculty member chosen from among the Honors Forum Council members, and three faculty members chosen in consultation between the Honors Forum Council and the Faculty Executive Committee.  The four faculty members of the Periclean Scholar Award Sub-Committee shall elect a Chair from their membership.  Service on this sub-committee is for one academic year, typically beginning in the fall of the following year.

 2017-18 Jenny Day, History
 2017-18 Mahesh Shankar, International Affairs, Chair
 2017-18 Steve Frey, Chemistry
 2017-18 Dylan Quinn, Student rep
 2017-18 Hannah Kotler, Student rep


Membership:  Two students, one faculty member chosen from among the Honors Forum Council members, and three faculty members chosen in consultation between the Honors Forum Council and the Faculty Executive Committee.  The four faculty members of the Periclean Scholar Award Sub-Committee shall elect a Chair from their membership.  Service on this sub-committee is for one academic year, typically beginning in the fall of the following year.

 2017 Eunice Ferreira, Theater, Chair
 2017 Mahesh Shankar, International Affairs, LV  S'17
 2017 Sandra Goff, Economics (S'17 LV replacement for Shankar)
  Steve Frey, Chemistry
 2017 Sophia Tate '17, student rep
  Morgan LaVoie '17, student rep


Membership:  Annually the Periclean honors Forum Council will constitute the Periclean Scholar Award Sub-Committee as follows:  two Honors Forum students and three faculty members of the Periclean honors Forum Council not including the Honors Forum Director, who will oversee Academic Festival.  the three faculty members of the Periclean Scholar Sward Sub-Committee shall elect a Chair from their membership.  For faculty, service on this sub-committee is concurrent with membership on the Periclean Honors Forum Council.  Honors Forum students may serve on this sub-committee for one or more academic years.

 2016 Kate Greenspan, English
 2017 Eunice Ferreira, Theater
 2018 Mahesh Shankar, International Affairs
 2016 TBD - Honors Forum student rep
  TBD - Honors Forum student rep


Membership:  Two students, one faculty member chosen from among the Honors Forum Council members, and three faculty members chosen in consultation between the Honors Forum Council and the Faculty Executive Committee.  The four faculty members of the Periclean Scholar Award Sub-Committee shall elect a Chair from their membership.  Service on this sub-committee is for one academic year, typically beginning in the fall of the following year.

 2015 Regina Janes, English
 2015 Mary DiSanto-Rose, Dance
 2015 Matthew Wilt, Art
  TBD - faculty (chosen from Periclean Honors Forum Council members)
 2015 TBD - student rep
  TBD - student rep


Membership:  Two students, one faculty member chosen from among the Honors Forum Council members, and three faculty members chosen in consultation between the Honors Forum Council and the Faculty Executive Committee.  The four faculty members of the Periclean Scholar Award Sub-Committee shall elect a Chair from their membership.  Service on this sub-committee is for one academic year, typically beginning in the fall of the following year.

  Jenny Huangfu Day, History (Spring 2014 only)
  Elizabeth Ruane, Library (Spring 2014 only)
  Sang Wook Lee, Art (Spring 2014 only)
  Erika Schielke, Biology, faculty (chosen from Periclean Honors Forum Council members)
 2014 Jocelyn Riley '15, student rep
  Juliana Boucher '16 student rep


Membership:  Two students, one faculty member chosen from among the Honors Forum Council members, and three faculty members chosen in consultation between the Honors Forum Council and the Faculty Executive Committee.  The four faculty members of the Periclean Scholar Award Sub-Committee shall elect a Chair from their membership.  Service on this sub-committee is for one academic year, typically beginning in the fall of the following year. 

      Debra Fernandez, Dance
  Elizabeth Ruane, Library
  Nurcan Atalan Helicke, Environmental Studies
  TBD - faculty (chosen from Honors Forum Council members)
  TBD - student rep
  TBD - student rep


  Michael Arnush, Classics, Chair & Honors Forum representative
  TBD, Assistant Dean of Faculty, Director FYE
2013 Bina Gogineni, English
2013 Beth Ruane, Library
2013 Saleema, Waraich, Art History
  Sarah Minney '13, student rep
  Madeline Pelz '14, student rep