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Penium: a new unicellular model plant


Domozych D.S., Kozel L., Lopez K.P. (2021) The effects of osmotic stress on the cell wall-plasma membrane
domains of the unicellular streptophyte, Penium margaritaceum. Protoplasma 258: 12311249

Domozych D.S., Sun L., Lopez K.P., Reed R., Jeon S., Li M., Jiao C., S繪rensen I., Fei Z. and Rose J.K. (2020) Endomembrane architecture and dynamics during secretion of the extracellular matrix of the unicellular charophyte, Penium margaritaceum. Journal of Experimental Botany, Volume 71, Issue 11, 33233339

Lopez K.P., Sun L., Reed R., Kang E., S繪rensen I., RoseJ.K. and Domozych D.S. (2020) Experimental Manipulation
of Pectin Architecture in the Cell Wall of the Unicellular Charophyte, Penium Margaritaceum. Frontiers in Plant Science, Volume 11, Article 1032

Jiao C., S繪rensen I., Sun X., Sun H., BeharH., Alseekh S., Philippe G.,Lopez K.P., Sun L., Reed R., Jeon S., Kiyonami R., Zhang S., Fernie A.R., Brumer H., Domozych D.S., Fei Z., Rose J.K. (2020) The Penium margaritaceum Genome:Hallmarks of the Origins of Land Plants. Cell 181, 115

Domozych, D. S. (2016) Biosynthesis of the cell walls of the algae. In: The Physiology of Microalgae. (ed. Borowitzka, M.A., Beradall, J. and Raven, J.A.) : Springer, New York, pp. 47-63.

Domozych, D. S. (2015) Cell wall evolution and diversity. In: Polysaccharides (ed: K.G. Ramawat, J.-M. Meriilon), Springer International; Switzerland, pp. 53- 79.

Rydahl, M. G., Fangel, J. U., Mikkelsen, M. D., Johansen, I. E., Andreas, A., Harholt, J., Ulvskov, P., J繪rgensen, B., Domozych, D. S. and Willats, W. G. T. (2015) Penium margaritaceum as a Model Organism for Cell Wall Analysis of Expanding Plant Cells. In: Plant Cell Expansion. Methods in Molecular Biology Volume 1242 (ed. Estevez, J); Springer, New York, pp 1-23.

Worden, N., Esteve, V., Domozych, D. S. and Drakakaki, G. (2015) Using Chemical Genomics to Study Cell Wall Formation and Cell Growth in Arabidopsis thaliana and Penium margaritaceum. In: Plant Cell Expansion. Methods in Molecular Biology Volume 1242 (ed. Estevez, J); Springer, New York, pp 23-39.

Domozych, D. S. S繪rensen, I., Popper, Z. A., Ochs, J., Andreas, A., Fangel, J. U., Pielach, A., Sacks, C., Brechka, H., Willats, W. G. T. and Rose, J. K. C. (2014) Pectin metabolism and assembly in the cell gall of the Charophyte Green alga Penium margaritaceum. Plant Physiology 165: 105-118.

Domozych, D. S. and Domozych, C. E. (2014) Multicellularity in green algae: upsizing in a walled complex. Frontiers in Plant Science (doi: 10.3389/pls.2014).

Domozych, D. S. (2014) Penium margaritaceum: a unicellular model organism for studying plant cell wall architecture and dynamics" Plants 3: 543-558.

Domozych, D. S., S繪rensen, I., Sacks, C., Brechka, H., Andreas, A., Fangel, J. U., Rose, J. K. C.  Willats, W. G. T. and Popper, Z. A. (2014) Disruption of the microtubule network alters cellulose deposition and causes major changes in pectin distribution in the cell wall of the green alga, Penium margaritaceum. Journal of Experimental Botany 65: 465-479.

Domozych, D. S. (2014) Cell wall evolution and diversity. In: Polysaccharides: Bioactivity and Biotechnology (Ramawat, K. and Merillon, J. M., eds) Springer, NY, pp. 1-23.

Ochs, J., LaRue, T., Tinaz, B., Yongue, C. and Domozych, D. S. (2014) The cortical cytoskeletal network and cell-wall dynamics in the unicellular charophycean green alga Penium margaritaceum. Annals of Botany 114: 11237-1250.

Popper, Z. A., Ralet, M.-C. and Domozych, D.S. (2014) Plant and algal cell walls: diversity and functionality. Annals of Botany 114: 1043-1048.

Mravec, J., J., Kraun, S.K., Rydahl, M.G., Westereng, B., Miart, F., Clausen, M.H., Fangel, J.U., Daugaard, M., Van Cutsem, P., De Fine Licht, H.H., H繹fte, H., Malinovsky, F.G., Domozych, D.S. and Willats, W.G.T. (2014) Tracking developmentally regulated post-synthetic processing of homogalacturonan and chitin using reciprocal oligosaccharide probes. Development 141: 4841-4850

S繪rensen, I., Fei, Z., Andreas, A., Willats, W.G.T., Domozych, D.S. and Rose, J.K.C. (2013) Stable Transformation and Reverse Genetic Analysis of Penium margaritaceum: A Platform for Studies of Charophycean Green Algae, the Immediate Ancestors of Land Plants. The Plant Journal 77: 339351

Domozych, D.S., Fujimoto, C. and LaRue T. (2013) Polar Expansion Dynamics in the Plant Kingdom: A Diverse and Multifunctional Journey on the Path to Pollen Tubes. Plants 2: 148-173.

S繪rensen, I., Rose, J.K.C., Doyle, J. J., Domozych, D.S., and Willats, W.G.T. (2012). The Charophycean green algae as model systems to study plant cell walls and other evolutionary adaptations that gave rise to land plant. Plant Signaling and Behavior 7: 13.

S繪rensen, I., Pettolino, F., Bacic, A., Ralph J., Lu, F., O'Neill, M., Fei, Z. Rose, J.K.C., Domozych, D.S. and Willats, W.G.T. (2011) The Charophycean green algae provide insights into the early origins of plant cell walls. Plant Journal 68, 201-211.

Domozych, D.S., Brechka, H., Britton, A. and Toso, M. (2011) Cell Wall Growth and Modulation Dynamics in a Model Unicellular Green AlgaPenium margaritaceum: Live Cell Labeling with Monoclonal Antibodies. Journal of Botany doi:10.1155/2011/632165

Popper, Z.A., Michel, G., Herv矇, C., Domozych, D.S., Willats, W.G.T., Tuohy, M.G., Kloareg, B. and Stengel, D.B. (2011) Evolution and Diversity of Plant Cell Walls: From Algae to Flowering Plants. Annual Review of Plant Biology 62, 567-590.

Domozych, D.S.. Lambiasse, L., Kiemle, S. N. and Gretz, M. R. (2009) Cell wall development and bipolar growth in the desmid Penium margaritaceum. Asymmetry in a symmetric world. Journal Phycology 45: 879-893.

Domozych, D.S. and Domozych, C.R. (2008) Desmids and Biofilms of Freshwater Wetlands: Development and Microarchitecture. Microbial Ecology 55: 81-93

Domozych, D.S., Serfis, A., Keimle, S, and Gretz, M.R. (2007) The structure and biochemistry of the homogalacturonans of the cell wall of the desmid, Penium margaritaceum. Protoplasma 230: 99-115.

Domozych, D.S., Kort, S., Benton, S. and Yu, T. (2005) The extracellular polymeric substance of the green alga Penium margaritaceum and its role in biofilm formation. Biofilms 2: 1-16.