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Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)

Membership in FEC


Membership: Four members of the Faculty elected to serve three year terms.

2025 Dominique Vuvan; Chair (Psychology)
2025 Murat Yildiz (History)                                                              
2026 Ting Li (Management & Business)
2026 Jeremy Day O'Connell (Music)


Membership: Four members of the Faculty elected to serve three year terms.

2025 Dominique Vuvan; Chair (Psychology)
2024 Oscar Perez-Hernandez (World Languages and Literatures)
2026 Ting Li (Management & Business)
2026 Jeremy Day O'Connell (Music)


Membership: Four members of the Faculty elected to serve three year terms.

2023 Xiaoshuo Hou; Chair (Sociology)
2023 Jason Ohlberg (Dance)
2024 Oscar Perez-Hernandez (World Languages and Literatures)
2025 Dominique Vuvan (Psychology)


Membership: Four members of the Faculty elected to serve three year terms.

2022 Casey Schofield, Psychology
2023 Jason Ohlberg, Dance, Chair
2023 Xiaoshuo Hou, Sociology and Asian Studies
2024 Oscar Perez-Hernandez, World Languages and Literatures


Membership: Four members of the Faculty elected to serve three year terms.

2021 Katherine Hauser, Art History
2022 Casey Schofield, Psychology, Chair
2023 Xiaoshuo Hou, Sociology
2023 Jason Ohlberg, Dance


Membership: Four members of the Faculty elected to serve three year terms.

2020 Kendrah Murphy, Physics, Chair
2020 Juan Navea, Chemistry
2021 Katherine Hauser, Art History
2022 Casey Schofield, Psychology


Membership: Four members of the Faculty elected to serve three year terms.

2019 Casey Schofield, Psychology (1-yr replacement Thompson)
2020 Kendrah Murphy, Physics
2020 Juan Navea, Chemistry
2021 Katherine Hauser, Art History, Chair


Membership: Four members of the Faculty elected to serve three year terms.

2018 Greg Gerbi, Physics/Geosciences, Chair
2019 Gordon Thompson (2-yr replacement for Seyb)
2020 Kendrah Murphy, Physics (LV F'17)
  Marketa Wolfe, Economics (F'17 replacement for Murphy)
2020 Juan Navea, Chemistry


Membership: Four members of the Faculty elected to serve three year terms.

2017 Denise Smith, Health and Exercise Sciences, Chair
2017  Patti Murray Steinberger, Biology
2018 Greg Gerbi, Physics/Geosciences
2019 Ron Seyb, Government, Fall 2016
2019 Gordon Thompson, Music, Spring 2017 (2-yr replacement for Seyb)


Membership: Four members of the Faculty elected to serve three year terms.

2016 Silvia Carli, Philosophy and Religion (1-yr lv 2015-16)
  Ron Seyb, Government (1-yr 2015-16 replacement for Carli)
2017 Denise Smith, Health and Exercise Sciences, Chair
2017  Patti Murray Steinberger, Biology
2018 Greg Gerbi, Physics/Geosciences


Membership: Five members of the Faculty elected to serve three year terms.

2015 Mehmet Odekon, Economics, Chair
2016 Silvia Carli, Philosophy and Religion
2016 Ting Li, Management and Business
2017 Denise Smith, Health and Exercise Sciences (1-yr LV 2014-15)
  Susannah Mintz, English (1-yr 14-15 replacement for Smith)
2017 Patti Murray Steinberger, Biology


Membership: Five members of the Faculty elected to serve three year terms.

2014 Joerg Bibow, Economics, Chair
2014 Paul Sattler, Art
2015 Mehmet Odekon, Economics
2016 Silvia Carli, Philosophy and Religion
2016 Ting Li, Management and Business


Membership: Five members of the Faculty elected to serve three year terms.  

2013 Barbara Black, English, Chair
2013 April Bernard, English (1-yr replacement for resignation)
2014 Joerg Bibow, Economics
2014 Paul Sattler, Art
2015 Mehmet Odekon, Economics


Membership: Five members of the Faculty elected to serve three year terms.  

2012 Reg Lilly, Philosophy & Religion (resigned 10/11)
2012 Natalie Taylor, Government, (S'12 replacement for Lilly resignation)
2013 Barbara Black, English, Chair
2013 Ben Givan, Music (resigned 2/12)
2013 April Bernard, English (S'12 replacement for Givan resignation)
2014 Joerg Bibow, Economics
2014 Paul Sattler, Art


Membership: Six members of the Faculty elected to serve three year terms, together with the three elected faculty members of the IPPC.

2011 Dan Hurwitz, Mathematics & Computer Science  (LV Fall 2010)
  Karen Kellogg, Environmental Studies (F'10 replacement for Hurwitz)
  Natalie Taylor, Government
2011 Hugh Foley, Psychology (IPPC rep)
2012 Patricia Hilleren, Biology
  Reg Lilly, Philosophy & Religion, Chair
2012 Adrienne Zuerner, Foreign Languages & Literatures (IPPC rep)
2013 Barbara Black, English
2013 Ben Givan, Music
2013 Denise Smith, Health and Exercise Sciences (IPPC rep)


Membership: Six members of the Faculty elected to serve three year terms, together with the three elected faculty members of the IPPC.

2010 Susan Bender, Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work (IPPC rep) (LV F'09)
  Tim Harper, Management & Business (IPPC replacement for Bender F'09)
2010 John Brueggemann, Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work
  Karen Kellogg, Environmental Studies (1-yr replacement for Stokes)
2011 Dan Hurwitz, Mathematics & Computer Science, Chair
  Natalie Taylor, Government
2011 Hugh Foley, Psychology (IPPC rep)
2012 Patricia Hilleren, Biology
  Reg Lilly, Philosophy & Religion
2012 Adrienne Zuerner, Foreign Languages & Literatures (IPPC rep)


Membership: Six members of the Faculty elected to serve three year terms, together with the three elected faculty members of the IPPC.

2009 Lisa Aronson, Art & Art History
  Jennifer Delton, History
2009 Mark Huibregtse (IPPC rep) (1-yr replacement)
2010 Susan Bender, Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work (IPPC rep)
2010 John Brueggemann, Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work, Chair   
  Mason Stokes, English (LV S'09, Union F'08)
2009 Pat Hilleren, Biology (1-yr replacement for Stokes)
2011 Dan Hurwitz, Mathematics & Computer Science
  Natalie Taylor, Government
2009 Phyllis Roth, English (1-yr replacement for IPPC 2011 term)     


Membership: Six members of the Faculty elected to serve three year terms, together with the three elected faculty members of the IPPC.

2008 Dan Curley, Classics, Chair
  Mark Huibregtse, Mathematics & Computer Science (IPPC rep)
  Paty Rubio, Foreign Languages & Literatures
2009 Lisa Aronson, Art & Art History (LV F'07)
  Una Bray, Mathematics & Computer Science (F'07 replacement for Aronson)          
  Jennifer Delton, History (Mellon Exchange-Union, F'07; Sabb LV, S'08)
  Viviana Rangil, Foreign Languages & Literatures (1-yr replacement for Delton)
  Mehmet Odekon, Economics (IPPC rep)
2010 Susan Bender, Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work (IPPC rep)
  John Brueggemann, Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work
  Mason Stokes, English


Membership: Six members of the faculty elected to serve three year terms, together with the three elected faculty members of the IPPC.

2007 Tim Burns, Government
  Dan Hurwitz, Mathematics & Computer Science
  Bill Lewis, Philosophy & Religion (IPPC rep)
2008 Dan Curley, Classics, Chair
  Mark Huibregtse, Mathematics & Computer Science (IPPC rep)
  Paty Rubio, Foreign Languages & Literatures
2009 Lisa Aronson, Art & Art History
  Jennifer Delton, History
  Mehmet Odekon, Economics (IPPC rep)


Membership: Six members of the faculty elected to serve three year terms, together with the three elected faculty members of the IPPC.

2006 Gove Effinger, Mathematics & Computer Science
  Mary Stange, Philosophy & Religion (F'05 replacement for J. Zangrando)                                   
  Joanna Zangrando, American Studies (phased F'05)
  Denise Smith, Exercise Science (IPPC rep)
2007 Tim Burns, Government, Chair
  Dan Hurwitz, Mathematics & Computer Science
  Bill Lewis, Philosophy & Religion (IPPC rep) leave F'05
  Roy Rotheim, Economics (IPPC rep; replacement for B. Lewis F'05)
2008  Dan Curley, Classics
  Mark Huibregtse, Mathematics & Computer Science (IPPC rep)
  Paty Rubio, Foreign Languages & Literatures


Membership: Six members of the faculty elected to serve three year terms, together with the three elected faculty members of the IPPC.

The first two transitional years, the membership of FEC will be as follows:

2005-06: The four continuing members of CFG, the three elected faculty representatives from IPPC, and two newly elected members.

2006-07: The two continuing members of CFG, the two continuing elected members, the three elected faculty representatives from IPPC, and two newly elected members.

2005 Katie Hauser, Art & Art History, tenured
  Susan Kress, English, tenured
2006 John Anzalone, Foreign Languages & Literatures, tenured, Chair       
  Joanna Zangrando, American Studies, tenured
2007 Tim Burns, Government, tenured
  Tad Kuroda, History, tenured

2003-2004 - CFG

Membership: Six faculty members elected to serve three-year terms, at least two of whom are tenured and all of whom have had experience on one of the elected Faculty Committees listed in the Faculty Governance Section of the Faculty Handbook, or who will be concurrently serving on one of those elected Faculty Committees at the time of the beginning of their term of service on the CFG.

2004 Gove Effinger, Mathematics & Computer Science, tenured
  Kate Leavitt, Art & Art History, tenured
2005 Katie Hauser, Art & Art History, tenured, Chair
  Susan Kress, English, tenured (on leave 03-04)
  Mary Stange, Philosophy & Religion, tenured (1-yr replacement for Kress 03-04)
2006 John Anzalone, Foreign Languages & Literatures, tenured
  Joanna Zangrando, American Studies, tenured (London F'03)
  Timothy Burns, Government (F'03 replacement for Zangrando)

2002-2003 - CFG

Membership: Six faculty members elected to serve three-year terms, at least two of whom are tenured and all of whom have had experience on one of the elected Faculty Committees listed in the Faculty Governance Section of the Faculty Handbook, or who will be concurrently serving on one of those elected Faculty Committees at the time of the beginning of their term of service on the CFG.

2003 Mark Huibregtse, Mathematics & Computer Science, tenured                                                   
  Lary Opitz, Theater, tenured (on leave S'03)
  Mary Stange, Philosophy & Religion (replacement for Opitz S'03)
2004 Gove Effinger, Mathematics & Computer Science, tenured, Chair
  Kate Leavitt, Art & Art History, tenured
2005  Katie Hauser, Art & Art History, untenured
  Susan Kress, English, tenured